Having any type of business is all about marketing. Regardless of what anyone says having a profitable home based business is all about effective marketing. How do people know your in business if your not marketing your home business? People think that marketing is expensive and that you have to have a degree to be effective at profitable marketing. I want to dismiss this myth and share with you some cheap and effective ways to market your home based business and start generating leads starting today.Guerilla Marketing 101To make a lot of money with your home based business you don’t have need a marketing budget of a large corporation. Let me share some ideas and tips on how you can effectively market on a shoe string budget.The first step with any marketing strategy is identifying your target market. With your home based business this is pretty easy. Your target market is anyone looking to earn extra income outside of their job. You can even narrow it down further then that and target stay at home mom’s,professionals, young people, etc. Second step is addressing a certain problem which is lack of money. Then you want to address how they can solve this problem through your home based business. And lastly having a call action whether it be calling a toll free number or even a online website. You can bring offline prospects online!Offline MarketingThe best place to generate leads for your home based business is in your own back yard. Some people want to hide behind the computer to generate leads, but you need to get out there and start networking locally. Network marketing is all about meeting new people and creating relationships. Here are some easy ways to generate leads locally.Sizzle CardsSizzle cards are business cards that are tiny billboards about your opportunity. An example of what one might say is this”Do You Want To Earn More Money?
Earn $2000 to $5000/month without leaving your job!
Call 888-888-8888 (recorded info) to learn more!See short and sweet, it addresses a problem which is earning more money, then it tells them how much they can make with your home based business, and lastly to call the number to get more info. Now you’ve generated a lead and for pennies! You can get these through your company or a 3rd party vendor with a generic message.Yard SignsYou’ve seen these when your waiting at a light at a intersection. Those little signs with some sort of advertisement. This is a great way to generate home based business leads and they are a bigger version of the sizzle cards. These work 24/7 as long as someone doesn’t have them removed! It’s the same concept as the sizzle card and it’s really cheap as well.Car SignsTurn your cars back window into a mobile billboard for you home based business. Imagine someone sitting behind you in rush hour traffic coming from a job they hate and they see your sign. Think they might call? You bet they will! Turn your back window into a moving sizzle card! This works really well if you drive a nice car and you can even put a ad like this.”Want To Drive A Car Like This?
Call 888-888-8888(recorded info) to learn how!Newspaper AdsPost a classified in any of your local papers. This is a really cheap and effective way to generate leads for your home based business locally.Networking GroupsIf you go online you can find all kinds of networking groups in your home town. This is a great way to meet people that are professionals and are looking to network with other people. Be cool here, don’t vomit all over people about your business keep it professional and ask for their business cards and exchange yours with them as well. If you make a good impression you can call them later and invite them to take a look at your home based business opportunity. One good site to network with people is YAP(young active professionals) They hold local networking events at local places like bars,restaurants, and other venues. Get out there and meet new people!These are all examples of ways you can generate leads for your home based business and hopefully gave you some ideas and how to get started right away. You can become creative with this and might even come up with some new ideas of your own. Bottom line is that you always want to market,keep it consistent, and find out what works for you.
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